
Teams can earn up to an $800 discount on their annual dues:

The possible combinations include…

$90 for low team penalty minutes. Guideline details below**

$50 for each General Meeting attended in the 2023-24 season.

$150 for hosting a social event for the benefit of the league in the 2023-24 season.

Early bird discount if fees paid in full by September 7, 2024: Diamond – $180; Platinum – $150; Gold – $120; Silver – $80; Bronze – $30

Up to $800 for volunteering. Guideline details below***

$200 is subtracted from the eligible discount for every game a team defaults with less than a month’s notice.

** Teams get a $90 discount for averaging less than 1 minute in penalties per game the previous season; a $60 discount for averaging between 1 and 2 minutes in penalties per game the previous season; a $30 discount for averaging between 2 and 3 minutes in penalties per game the previous season.

*** Each volunteer hour defaults to a $17 discount unless it is specialized.  To report volunteer hours please fill out this form.